Saturday, November 7, 2009

Singer's Tea

When I was in music school, we singers would walk around our sunny Southern Californian campus in 90 degree whether with scarves wrapped around our blessed necks. Woe was he who breathed on a singer if he even thought he might have a touch of something. If anyone fell ill, they immediately went to concocting a batch of Singer's Tea which would then be toted all over the department with them until the crisis had passed. Singer's Tea, though embraced by kooky voice majors everywhere, is truly a God-send and a wonderful aid to getting through a respiratory illness. The recipe is as follows:

1/2 Red Zinger Tea
1/2 Cranberry Juice (can substitute OJ, but cran is much tastier)
1 pinch of ground cayenne
2 pinches of ground cloves
1-2 Tbs of Honey

Let the tea steep for 10 minutes. Then add the juice (hot) and other ingredients. The honey is an analgesic, the cayenne acts as an expectorant (breaks up lung/throat goo), the cloves help soothe a sore throat, and the Red Zinger Tea contains rose hips which have roughly 10x the vitamin C of OJ. It tastes like a wonderful spiced cider. Be forewarned though: the cayenne will settle and that last sip can really hit you. Feel better and Enjoy!

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